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R10 had a wonderful trip to Port Eynon.

R10 had a wonderful trip to Port Eynon.

R10 had a wonderful trip to Port Eynon.
Educational Visits Junior School

The pupils learnt how to use 4 and 6-figure grid references, read map symbols, and to use a compass by playing a few different games. 

After lunch they used their newly acquired skills which enabled them to follow maps, clues and directional instructions to eventually find the hidden treasure.  

Hohoko and Hadi thought their favourite part of the day was the treasure hunt and ultimately finding the treasure. Izaac particularly enjoyed eating his chocolate treasure after leading his group with great enthusiasm! 

Ava enjoyed searching for unusual shells and using her newly learnt compass skills.  

All the staff were very proud of R10s exemplary behaviour throughout, they were a pleasure to take out. 

We were very lucky with the weather and as usual our grateful thanks go to Dawn of Nature Days who led the day for us.

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R10 had a wonderful trip to Port Eynon.