Our subject specialist teachers bring a huge sense of enthusiasm to the classroom, creating a stimulating and interactive learning environment. Our on-site facilities include computer suites, class sets of iPads and Chromebooks, Wi-fi, interactive whiteboards in many classrooms and access to internet-based learning aids.
The College is traditional in its quest for high standards, critical thought and curiosity for new learning, allowing for all pupils to reach their full potential. Pupils are fully involved in their own learning and are given plentiful opportunities to develop their self-appraisal skills and accelerate and extend their learning through being offered choices of activities during both lessons and homework, in many subjects.
At St John’s College, a daily programme of homework is set, and this forms an essential part of each pupil’s study.
Pupils are introduced at an early stage to the concept of refining their work to prepare themselves for the demands of GCSE.
Most important for pupil development, however, is the sense of a secure and encouraging school environment, where effort and achievement are recognised and applauded equally, supporting each pupil to blossom and develop their abilities fully.
During the first two years (R12 and R13) in the Senior School, pupils study a broad, well-rounded curriculum to help to develop a wide range of academic interests, incorporating modern scientific, technologic and economic awareness, an outward view towards the languages of Europe, as well as our own Welsh language and culture, and a strong interest in the Arts and Social Sciences. Even more general interests can be piqued and advanced through the numerous co-curricular clubs, societies, orchestras, choirs and other activities on offer.
By the age of fourteen (a year earlier than most schools), each pupil will have arrived at an individually chosen programme of study, leading to a balanced set of GCSE qualifications, in as many subjects as will encourage the best quality of achievement of each individual, aiming at the very best grades.
St John’s College offers the following subjects at GCSE: