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R13 CyberExplorers Careers talk with NetSec and Baasit Siqqiqui

R13 CyberExplorers Careers talk with NetSec and Baasit Siqqiqui

R13 CyberExplorers Careers talk with NetSec and Baasit Siqqiqui
Computer Science Senior School

On Wednesday, the Computing department continued the cyber security theme by welcoming guest speakers from Cardiff based company NetSec to share their insights into a day in the life of a cyber security professional. The event was organised by CyberExplorers following the schools success in the Cyber Explorers Cup earlier this year. Gogglebox’s Baasit Siddiqui got the event going with an inspiring opening discussion.

Despite very hot conditions in the hall, R13 pupils remained engaged throughout the presentations and asked our speakers interesting and thought-provoking questions that impressed our visitors. 

Throughout the afternoon, our pupils were given an idea of what it takes to start up a tech company and what a cyber security expert could be dealing with on a day-to-day basis and discovered that there are over 80 different roles within cyber security. 

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R13 CyberExplorers Careers talk with NetSec and Baasit Siqqiqui