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R8 trip to Caerleon

R8 trip to Caerleon

R8 trip to Caerleon
Educational Visit Junior School

We were so lucky that the sun shined today as R8 had a fantastic time in Caerleon.  We enjoyed learning how to be Roman soldiers.  We started the day trying on the armour.  Life was tough for Roman Soldiers: The Lorica segmenta was much heavier than the R8s had imagined!  Also, nobody fancied sharing a barracks with 7 other sweaty soldiers!!

Next, we were able to participate in Roman soldier drills.  We learnt how to march in formation.  Our favourite part was when we were able to charge at the teachers.  They were definitely scared!

We were able to visit the baths and the amphitheatre.  We had fun pretending to be watching chariot races!

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R8 trip to Caerleon