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R8 Visit to the Celtic Roundhouses at St Fagans

R8 Visit to the Celtic Roundhouses at St Fagans

R8 Visit to the Celtic Roundhouses at St Fagans
Educational Visit R8

On Monday, 3rd October, R8 visited the Celtic roundhouses at St Fagans museum in Cardiff. The pupils were keen to learn more about the Iron Age and were fascinated to hear about life in that era, especially the fire dogs.  Apparently, only very important Celts would have had them as they were so valuable. They had fun taking part in the food quiz too. Their highlight was seeing the sparks fly when the flint and iron were rubbed together.

In all, it was an enjoyable visit and everyone learned so much, so there will be plenty to discuss when back in the classroom. 

Well done, R8!

Mrs Burleton

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R8 Visit to the Celtic Roundhouses at St Fagans