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R11 Visit to Cardiff Castle

R11 Visit to Cardiff Castle

R11 Visit to Cardiff Castle
Educational Visit Junior School

On 11th October, R11 pupils visited Cardiff Castle as part of their history study of World War 2. First, they were given a lively and informative presentation from an Air Raid Warden who demonstrated the importance of his role in the war whilst imparting many interesting facts about life during that time. After lunch, which was enjoyed sitting in the sun near the castle keep, the pupils listened to another man who explained how parts of the castle were used as air raid shelters. They then walked through the shelters observing many propaganda posters on the walls and listening to the announcement of war, the sounds of an air raid and the famous song “We’ll meet again.”

When asked about their favourite parts of the day, the children found it hard to pick out the best moments but several commented on how amazed they were by the gas masks, particularly the Mickey Mouse-style one and the rather large contraption that babies were put into. All agreed that it had been an amazing experience and they would never forget the incredibly loud rattle warning of an air raid!

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R11 Visit to Cardiff Castle