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St John’s College trip to St David’s Cathedral to welcome the relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis

St John’s College trip to St David’s Cathedral to welcome the relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis

St John’s College trip to St David’s Cathedral to welcome the relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis
Chaplaincy Cathedral Choir

On Friday, February 14th, forty staff and students travelled to St David’s Cathedral in response to the invitation by His Grace, Rt. Rev. Mark O’Toole, Archbishop of Cardiff and Menevia. The occasion was to celebrate a Mass of Welcome and to venerate the relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis, who is to be canonised and made a saint by His Holiness, Pope Francis at a Mass at St Peter’s, Rome, on April 27th. All the secondary schools in the diocese were asked to bring their children and be a part of this special and joyous occasion. It is very rare that someone as young as Carlos is ever canonised - he died of leukaemia at only fifteen years of age - and his life and death are a wonderful inspiration to everyone, but teenagers, in particular, of how important it is to put Christ at the centre of one’s life.

As always, the school’s choir sang beautifully and they were led and accompanied by Mr Howard and the school’s Big Band. Everyone we spoke to remarked on how beautiful the liturgy was and Archbishop emeritus, Rt Rev. George Stack was effusive in his praise and thanks. 

Overall, this was a wonderful morning and we all experienced something that will linger long in our memories. I hope that our young pupils will cherish the memory and take inspiration from Blessed Carlo, to whom we pray:

Blessed Carlo Acutis, you who made your life a continual renunciation and setting aside of unimportant things, give me the grace to seek heavenly things and despise that which is transient. Amen.

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St John’s College trip to St David’s Cathedral to welcome the relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis