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Welsh A level students enjoy an evening at the Sherman Theatre!

Welsh A level students enjoy an evening at the Sherman Theatre!

Welsh A level students enjoy an evening at the Sherman Theatre!
Welsh A Level

On Tuesday 6th February, the Welsh Second Language A Levels pupils joined Mrs Emms at the Sherman Theatre to watch a performance of Ie, Ie, Ie. 

Ie Ie Ie is a Welsh adaptation of Yes Yes Yes; an award-winning show from award-winning Aoteaora/New Zealand-based theatre makers Karin McCracken and Eleanor Bishop. Directed by Juliette Manon, the show featured honest interviews with young Welsh people, a gripping solo performance, and an opportunity for us in the audience to take part through scanning a QR code and expressing our feelings about the content of the show. This was an important piece of theatre about the real lived experiences of young people today that raises essential questions around healthy relationships, lust, and consent. 

All students represented St John’s College wonderfully, and were keen to experience Welsh culture and use their language skills outside of the classroom. Mrs Emms was very impressed to see that the students were already able to make comparisons between the production and the literature they have just started studying themselves in the classroom. Da iawn, bawb!

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Welsh A level students enjoy an evening at the Sherman Theatre!