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Resilience workshop

Resilience workshop

Resilience workshop

We are delighted to share the success of our recent Parent Workshop that focussed on ‘Resilience’ which took place on the 5th December. It was truly heartening to witness the attendance and enthusiasm of our parents.

The workshop aimed to foster a shared understanding between parents and teachers on the critical role we play in building our children's resilience. In today's ever-changing world, the ability to navigate and cope with life's challenges is an invaluable skill, and we believe that a united approach from home and school is essential in nurturing resilient children.

The workshop provided practical strategies and open discussions on how we can collectively support our children in developing resilience. Parents who attended the event shared their thoughts in an evaluation form. 

“Excellent presentation, well put together, well researched.”

“The workshop reinforced my thoughts on resilience and gave me ideas and phrases to use when supporting my children. Thank you.”

“Really fantastic work. Was pleased to know the support you provide to your pupils. Great work!”

“Valuable insight and information. Well delivered. Enjoyed it. Well timed.”

This was the second in a series of planned workshops, following the success of the ‘Eating Disorders’ workshop that we ran in July.  Parents who were unable to attend this workshop have requested for this to be run again which we will plan for a future date.

We are also excited to announce that the next Workshop for Parents is scheduled for February 2024 and more information will follow in January 2024.  

Thank you for your ongoing support, and we anticipate another impactful session in February.  We have shared the slides for the workshop within the Health and Wellbeing section of our school website.

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Resilience workshop