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Advent Service and Christmas Tableau

Advent Service and Christmas Tableau

Advent Service and Christmas Tableau
Christmas Nursery and Infants

The annual Nursery and Infant Advent service and Christmas tableau, took place on Tuesday, 5th December at St. Cadoc’s Church.

This beautiful occasion always marks the start of our Christmas celebrations and the service was very well attended by parents and families of the children in the Nursery and Infant Department.

Children from R7 read the Bidding Prayers and Readings from the Old and New Testaments. R6 re-enacted the Nativity Story, whilst R5 took part in the Offertory Procession. The Nursery children sang a lullaby to Jesus in Welsh, whilst carrying lanterns to the altar.

Father Gray spoke to the children about the importance of preparing for the birth of Jesus at Christmas,

After the service, children, parents and staff enjoyed light refreshments in the Church Hall.

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Advent Service and Christmas Tableau