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R6 Weekly News

R6 Weekly News

R6 Weekly News

R6 enjoyed a virtual visit to St Fagans this week. They learnt all about a Victorian washday, watching how clothes were cleaned using a dolly and a scrubbing board. They asked some excellent questions and enjoyed the new online experience.

The new construction toys have been very popular this week; the children have been busy creating castles, houses and rockets. It was lovely to see them working cooperatively on their projects.

In maths, we have been looking at length and the children carried out their own investigation to find out which caterpillars were the same length, longer or shorter than Connor the caterpillar. Nikhil also won a delicious Colin The Caterpillar for guessing how many sprinkles were on the Macmillan caterpillar, what a lot of caterpillars this week!

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