We believe that important all-round skills provide the fundamental building blocks for learning. We work very hard to ensure that children are prepared for the next stage of their education by developing their reading, writing and numeracy skills, using both traditional and modern methods.
The children’s education is enriched by access to internet-based learning aids and use of interactive whiteboards, iPads and class sets of touch-screen laptops and Chromebooks.
In the school’s most recent Estyn inspection, the quality of teaching was deemed ‘Excellent’ and was cited as “an exceptional feature of the school’s work.” Inspectors commented that teachers “plan thoughtfully, using a wide range of activities and stimulating resources that engage and challenge pupils and promote learning effectively.”
In Key Stage 1, pupils develop their reading skills very well. “By the end of Year 2, most read with accuracy and many with fluency and good expression.” The children apply their numeracy skills securely in subjects such as science, and throughout the school pupils’ thinking and problem-solving skills are highly developed (Estyn Crown Copyright, 2012).
Particular favourites of our infants are the Drama and Chess Clubs (for pupils in Yrs 1 & 2). The Department also welcomes a series of special guests throughout the year who offer engaging talks and displays to the children. Extra-curricular trips complement work undertaken in the classroom. The annual Infant Tableau and Nativity Play are highlights of the school year.